It’s built with immediacy, coziness, and magic in mind.
Below is a blog that tracks its development, and serves as the homepage for the project while things are still getting setup.
As 2023 comes to a close I’m really satisfied with where I’ve been able to bring Dinghy too. I’m over the hump of the initial startup cost of just figuring out how to do everything, and given it’s trim, code-only nature, it means that working on it now is often just a matter of pulling together threads that already exist in the development workflow/API, adding a little bit new, and then having tangible progress.
Well hello again. Been a minute eh?
Turns out making a whole videogame is a lot of work, so the amount of time I’ve been able to dedicate to any side projects had been somewhat minimal. Doing something as “big” as Dinghy is even harder to find time for, because there’s so much initial exploration and so little return.
There HAS been work though, especially since Cantata’s release, so here’s something I’m happy to show:
Something I’ve been thinking about recently with Dinghy is the idea of cognitive load. Cognitive load is basically how much information your brain is able to process at once, or over some period of time.
There’s a million ways to talk about this, but one of the most salient points I keep coming back to is one that feels tangential, or even unrelated, which is the idea of something being “beginner friendly” or being “flexible”.